To accomplish this, though, you can’t just focus on market segments. Instead, you must focus on individuals, because when you’re talking to Boomers, you have to do it person-to-person, or you can ring up No Sale. Don’t be tempted to clump Boomers together. Instead, seek to understand, embrace and celebrate each person’s uniqueness, because that’s the key to reaching Boomers where they make their buying decisions.
Of course, speaking to Boomers with authentic, value-based communications is just part of what it takes to reflect the various aspects of Positive Aging that resonate. These people are highly individualistic, so you will have to take a Boomer-Centered Approach that will allow you to address each and every prospect in your target market in a genuinely personal way.
And if you think your products and services can’t be profitably repositioned against the Baby Boomer market, you haven’t effectively searched for the opportunities that are right under your nose. If that’s the case, you need to do a brand audit, carefully looking at what you have to offer until you create a position that strikes the mother lode with Boomers. Think of it as panning for gold—a way to help you discover the hidden profit potential that can help grow your bottom line in any economic climate.
To do this, of course, you’ll need the help of that unique someone who has decades of advertising and marketing communications experience, as well as professional training in gerontology counseling, and a little gray hair, too. Find that someone, and you’ll begin to prosper in ways you’ve never imagined possible.